Thursday, September 1, 2011

D-Boys M4 RIS (Overide) custom build

This is our second build. This time we started with the Boyi D-Boys M4 RIS Airsoft Gun RIS Metal that we got from the scrap yard at be sure to check it out you can find some great project guns on there if you have the patience to build them. So when we got this one it was pretty much bare bones it had a gearbox and the body, but no motor. And it was missing some of the Acc. that usually comes with an a9irsoft gun. So the first thing we did was have the master techs at airsplat check the gearbox and be sure there were no surprises with it.  Thankfully the guys were able to re shim and grease up the gearbox for us so we didn't have to do it. the spring was fairly soft so we had them swap it to a M120 to get us some real thump in the gun.

So we got the gun back to the shop and started to figure out what we were going to do with it, and it hit us, we decided to re do all the furniture and make it a real looker as well as a performer. Se we started by gathering all the parts we wanted for the gun. We went and got all the MAGPUL stuff we could find, thankfully its not too expensive. We went with the MOE pistol grip, the MOE fore grip, a P-mag, Mag puller, AFG, and the PTS CTR stock. All of it in Dark Earth except for the AFG we had to go with black on that and we grabbed some rail pieces as well as a tactical flash light.

So now there was nothing to do but dig in and get started. So we started with the pistol grip, if you have never done one before they are pretty easy. All you need to do is take off the motor plate, pull the motor and remove the 2 Phillips screws in the base of the grip. But with this one missing the motor and adjustment plate all we had to do was remove the grip and put the other in its place. Then we had to install the motor, another very easy install for the motor we went with a JG Long type motor. I know why didn't we go with a systema or something like that? Well in all honesty JG makes a good motor they have great torque and I didn't want to re wire the gun or put new gears in to handle the systema motor. So with the motor in all we had to do was connect the motor and install the adjustment plate. 

Now I went on to something quick and easy swapping out the stock. We didn't care for the crane stock that was on this gun. All though it is not what should have come with the gun but since we were swapping it out that didn't matter. After we installed the stock it was time to work on the front hand guard. So I cleared the work area of everything but the new front hand guard pieces. Now the we put the rails on the new MAGPUL MOE hand guard first as we would not be able to do it once it was on the gun. Easy installation 4 screws and they are there. Now I put the AFG on the hand guard as well as the tactical light.  So now I needed to install it on the gun, so I pull the full RIS system off the gun starting with the bottom part of the rail. And be careful this gun has a metal "mock" head shield inside the hand guard that is kind of sharp. now you can see the gun with out any hand guard on it. 

When you install the new hand guard you want to start with the top part first. put the front in first and pull the "D" ring back and slide the piece into place, then repeat with the lower hand guard. now the gun is basically done, then I noticed that ugly carry handle and i knew that had to go so I grabbed an Iron sight that we had in our parts box. But it just wasn't enough.... So I grabbed a cheap little quick red dot sight and put that on as well. and to finish the gun up I put int the P Mag with the mag puller and there you have it the Override M4. I will get a full tech report on this build with full FPS ratings up soon. 

As always if you have any comment please leave them if you have a questions about this build or any others please email me The Airsoft GuRu

I also want to thank the wonderful team at Airsplat for all of there help and continued support for the airsoft community.

Base Dboys M4 RIS

Pistol Grip removed awaiting the MAGPUL MOE

Instaling the motor
Hand Guard Parts
Fully assembled hand guard
Installed on the gun

Stock Carry Handle
Iron Sight
With Red dot

The Parts

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